Christmas is a time for giving. Giving gifts, giving love, giving smiles and giving thanks. In our little house, we feel an overwhelming sense of gratitude for all the gifts that have come to us this year. As Yogananda explains, it is the nature of Bliss to be shared. It is in that spirit that we want to share these sweet snapshots of moments where the bliss bubbled over and Barbara captured it on camera!
For some, this year may have seemed overwhelming. I lost a job, our well ran dry, we had to sell our home and we prayed for many loved ones in pain. As I sit, writing to you from the snuggly dining room in our home in Ananda Village, I can speak for my whole family when I say “THANK YOU Divine Mother!” With each twist in the year, we took a breath and forged ahead. Our faith was tested and it feels as though we succeeded.
We now both have jobs that feel deeply meaningful – not for their importance, but for how we are able to serve others. We spend far less time worrying about managing a household and far more time watching Tulsi learn new things. We drilled a new well and found an underground river for the next owners of our former home. Each of our loved ones who has suffered this year has shown us the strength of their souls and have been an inspiration to us. Truly – each test turned into a blessing.
This year, Tulsi took her first steps, grew her first teeth, said her first words and continually showed us the magic in everyday life.
We hope that this year has brought expansion, love and joy to each of you as well.
Happy Christmas, Solstice and Hanukkah!
The Official Family Christmas Card 🙂